Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Goodbye Summer

     Our wonderful long summer is waning, the weather is cooling, and the time for sun hats and bare feet is coming to an end. I admit, I'm not at all sorry to say goodbye for I really think I've had my fill of summer. And as the leaves begin to turn all the colors that are just some of the many reason why I love Autumn and birds gather in flocks on power lines in preparation to fly to the Sunny South for that chilly winter their instincts tell them is coming, I begin to dream excitedly of crisp, nipping air, warm sweaters, cozy socks, and knitted hats. We are well stocked with fire wood and the pumpkins are ready for the cooking of all things pumpkin. A box of pumpkin tea waits in the cupboard, apples ripen on bent branches, and oh, the thought of fresh cider sends a thrill all through me!!
      I must buckle down and make my self really get to work on the story I'm writing for a little magazine my cousin and I make before what's left of this year is over and done and the time for our next issue is long gone. At least that is something to keep me busy while I wait for the Autumn to come.
     Christmas is sneaking up on us and thoughts of presents are heavy on my mind. Oh what to give this person, that person, and the other. A sprig of mistletoe is tucked away safe and sound,  and as I turn the calendar page to September I excitedly count the remaining months until I tack it up to a beam where it will await Christmas love birds.

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